Summary of ALL changes:

T352:  SMS now available for Message Blaster

T429:  add ability to delete an event

T375:  a few tweaks to the Locations code

T370:  Student enrollment progress widget added to student dashboard

T341:  Logging general, nexmo & ledger events

T341:  Exception handler now emails deb if app fails

T340:  Add name to attendance by date view (Ground school)

T327:  Ledger cross-link functionality and additional views


T352 SMS functionality added to Message Blaster


Users must validate their cell phone numbers, and "Opt-In" which says it's ok to for the software to send them text messages.

Step 1:  User navigates to their profile, by clicking on their name in the top navigation, or in the directory, then clicks the "Verify" button, to verify their cell phone number:

Step 2:  The user edits their cell phone number, if desired.  At this time, only US cell phone numbers are supported.  Punctuation is optional, and will be removed by the software, as well as the leading "1".  Then they click "Send code".

Step 3:  They check their cell phone for a text message containing the verification code, and enter it on the next form:

Step 4:  The user sets their notification preferences, now that their cell is verified, the Text/SMS column is no longer greyed out.


Message blasts will be delivered via email only.
Notifications are always visable in-app.

Message blasts will be delivered via sms/text only.
Notifications are always visable in-app.

Message blasts will be delivered via both email and sms/text.
Notifications are always visable in-app.

Message blasts will not be delivered via email or text.
Notifications are always visable in-app.


Staff creates a new message blaster either directly or indirectly.

Users receive an in-app notification, and an email and or text message according to their preferences.

Step 1:  Staff creates a new message blaster either directly or indirectly.  The top 2 sections relate to the email version of the message, the 3rd section is a shorter text version of the same message.  The longer email version is what is shown in the In-App notification.


The SMS should be 160 characters or shorter, or it will be split into 2 or more messages.

It should condense or leave out some info from the email, in order to be brief, but give them a way to find out more.

It should ALWAYS contain a link of some kind, so the user has something to click on.

If the system generated a link for the email, it will be automatically included at the end of the text.  Otherwise, it will default to the user's list of in-app notifications:

If a user replies to a text message, it will be completely ignored.

For Example

If you create an event, the system will pre-fill your message blaster as shown, allowing you to edit the final message however you like.  

T429:  add ability to delete an event

T370:  Student enrollment progress widget added to student dashboard

T341:  Logging general, nexmo & ledger events

T341:  Exception handler now emails deb if app fails

T340:  Add name to attendance by date view (Ground school)