New functionality:
Wings of Grace Rewards Center (T312)
Student Service Record
Service Opportunities
Ledger that keeps track of everyone's hours and transactions (T146)
The "Grace Button", which allows the CEO to reward students for any reason (T146)
Save my login credentials (and agree to cookies) (T170)
Privacy policy, and Terms of service documents added (T170)
Added an SSL Certificate for a secure browser experience (IT T285)
Updates to existing functionality:
Ground school attendance widget improvements (T280)
Allow CEO to delete a user (T308)
RSVP race conditions to fill spots, allowed > max signups (T295)
Mailgun email delivery problems, add headers to code, lots of IT configuration work (T283, T284)
Work event attendance was missing the "Everyone else" section (T293)
Tweaks to ground school attendance: Preliminary save, link to edit/view class notes on coverage page (T273)
Increase session timeout time (T272)
Wings of Grace Rewards Center (T312)
Student view Shows the students current account balance. In this case 3 hours. The student has enough accumulated hours for a private music lesson, so the button to schedule it is enabled. But not enough for flight instruction, so the button is disabled, showing that they need 3 more hours. There is another widget on the page, showing all open service opportunities for the next 2 weeks, so it's easy for them to get the hours they need. |
Student View My Rewards Green items at the top are still in progress, or not yet completed. Click on any title to view that "order/invoice Blue items at the bottom are completed/fulfilled. |
Staff/CEO view Add reward items, by clicking the "+" icon at the top of this page. This can only be done by the CEO. Reward item record Name & Description are pretty self explanatory. Icon, in this example, <i class="fas fa-plane"></i> will give you the plane icon that you see below. There is a link to find just the right icon, with over 1600 to choose from. Purchase button text: This will show up in the student's reward center, as follows: Price each, the currency is volunteer hours, in .25 hour increments. Notifications, choose the Primary and Backup (optional) contacts for this reward item. These staff members will be notified via a message blast, when someone "purchases" this item. Notes for staff only. When a staff member views this item, they will see these notes. Students will not see this. If you want the student to see something, put it in the Description above. |
Rewards work flow 1. A student "purchases" an item, the "money" is taken from their account. 2. It gets saved as an "order" like a store or shopping cart. 3. The Primary and backup staff people are notified via message blast. 4. The staff person views the order, and schedules the lesson with the student. 5. When the lesson has been completed, the staff person need to mark that "order" as "fulfilled". 6. If for some reason the lesson gets rescheduled, there is nothing to do in the app (at this time). 7. If the lesson is permanently cancelled, the "money" can be refunded to the student's account, by choosing the "refund" button. Staff members can view the order by clicking on the notification, OR by visiting this link: Rewards/Orders on their dashboard. |
After clicking on the link shown above, staff are taken to a complete list of all "Open orders". These are purchases that have not been "fulfilled" or "refunded. Click on the item, "Private music instruction" to see details about the item. Including the Notes to staff, and primary and backup contacts. The CEO has a little edit icon at the bottom. Only the CEO can edit Reward items. If you click on the student's name, it will take you to their profile, which now has a link to their Student Record. | |
Click on the Order number above, to see the order details. After a lesson has been completed, the staff member should click the "Fulfill" button, which will take it off the list of Open orders. If for some reason you need to cancel the lesson, click the Refund button. |
Student Service Record
Staff members have a link in the student's profile/directory record, to view their Student Record. | |
Clicking the above link will take you to this page. The first section shows his Ledger entries. Ledger entries show ALL account activities that involve changes to his account balance. At this point, there are 3 different kinds of ledger entries. Events - which are hours earned at work days. Grace - which are hours awarded manually by the CEO. Orders - which are hours they spent. Orders can also have refunds. The two numbers at the bottom should match. If they don't, please submit a ticket. The ledger total is what you get when you add up everything in this section. The User acct bal, is stored in the student record and should always match the ledger total. The next section shows his Service record. At the top, are his Work hours, which he earned at events. Setup/Food/Cleanup. These are not directly rewarded. The CEO can look at this list, and then use the GRACE button to manually award points for this type of service. |
Right inside the Student Record, the CEO will have access to the Grace Button. Specify the number of hours (which can be negative to make corrections if needed). And a reason. And save it. This process adds a "Grace" type ledger entry. |
In upcoming releases, you will also be able to view a student's ground school attendance, and flight data in the student record. | |
The CEO has access to this page, which lists all the ledger entries for each student, all on one page. This is how it looks right now, in this release. But soon, it will be tweaked into a much more useful page for the the CEO. |
Service opportunites
Students now have this widget on their dashboards. Please excuse the bright colors, I will be working with a designer soon, to make this a little easier on the eyes. It's broken up into 4 sections: Workers, Setup, Food, Cleanup Workers will show up at work events, check in, and check out, much like clocking in/out at work. They will immediately earn hours in their accounts for this type of service. Setup/Food/Cleanup. While you will not directly earn hours for this, they still count, and when you're close to having enough hours for a flight, these types of service will be factored in. Food providers are needed for most events. Lunch at work days, snacks at ground school, there are lots of opportunities to serve in this way. Right now, Angelia pretty much does all of this her self. Setup/Cleanup. Plan to arrive 30 minutes early, or leave 30 minutes later, and help setup or cleanup before or after an event. Legend: yellow highlights open opportunities. green shows what you've already signed up for red means all the spots are taken, but could open up |