To send a message to a group of WOGM app users, use the Message Blaster.
Any WOGM staff member may use this tool, found in the main menu.
It consists of 2 screens. A future version will accomplish everything on a single page, but for now, it's two pages.
On the first page, are the filters. For now there are five different groups of users to choose from. Select at least one group, and click the "Next" button.
At the top of the next page, you will see a list of recipients generated from the filters selected on the first page. Each recipient has a checkbox. Unclick any checkbox to exclude that user from the recipient list.
Add a Subject, and your Message, and click the "Send" button.
Your message will be sent to all of the recipients selected, it will show that the email came from your email address.
You get a copy of it too.
Next, you will get another message, with the Meta data associated with this Message Blast, including the list of
The message is also archived as an email to
You will be redirected to your home page.